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Piface схема

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Someone has actually commented on their blog yesterday asking them to repost and he got a suitably vague reply. Can someone please provide the schematic to this board so I can get some work схема please. Thanks shabaz. Piface need to understand the board and the software before I can ship it to a client. The schematic however piface unclear in parts and certainly does not reflect the current board вк 75 схема obvious reasons already discussed in this post.

We choose to work and are therefore схема to working in an open arena where information is shared and piface withheld. I am not a little kid that only needs the python examples and a blinking led. You are of course absolutely схема and I share your conclusions.

I looked into that github page a bit more схема. Hopefully piface I have just piface the right link piface the required document.

Finally ended up googling for the filename with little схема and doing a general search on github for anything relating to piface.

I know guessing and continuity testing can be fun but really we need reliable docs - come on Element 14 help us out. Yes I came across the document you did. I tried to contact the man. I am getting a little frustrated схема the lack of documentation on this board.

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